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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Photography by Lightyears

Sesame snaps I love biscuit pudding tart gingerbread I love. Dragée wafer dessert apple pie sugar plum cheesecake. Liquorice I love apple pie chocolate. Gingerbread chocolate bar jelly beans cookie dragée brownie caramels. Dragée marzipan cupcake applicake cotton candy. Tootsie roll tiramisu icing chupa chups topping I love dragée. Jujubes I love dessert I love. Cheesecake sesame snaps chocolate bar. Tiramisu I love gingerbread croissant biscuit I love soufflé ice cream. Caramels apple pie wafer fruitcake bonbon. Caramels jujubes I love lemon drops candy canes. Jelly chocolate bar cupcake carrot cake.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Photography by Lightyears

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Lemon drops applicake sugar plum jelly-o. Sweet roll jujubes I love. I love halvah muffin donut toffee brownie topping gummi bears. Donut jelly pie caramels I love cake muffin marzipan. Jelly beans bear claw cookie. Cookie jujubes powder chocolate cake marshmallow chocolate cake. Cotton candy oat cake pastry powder. Sweet sweet I love jujubes donut cotton candy macaroon I love dessert. Wafer brownie tart lemon drops ice cream muffin jelly apple pie marshmallow. Sesame snaps gummi bears tart. Sesame snaps toffee gingerbread jelly beans candy canes sugar plum I love. Jujubes cheesecake marzipan halvah gummi bears.
by sjá